Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Funny Linux Blog! celebrates its 5th birthday today. Happy 5th blog birthday to its extremely witty and funny owner Igor Ljubunkic. Very few Linux themed blogs have masterfully woven that intrinsic and careful mixture of humor with its postings.

Quoting from Dedoimedo:
"Dedoimedo celebrates its fifth birthday and everybody is invited to the party. Half a decade ago, the site was born from the ashes of creativity and watered with love and geekiness. Now, five summers grown, Dedoimedo is a portal of masculinity, bristly chest hair and a wagonload of kernel code."

You may be wondering why I'm posting this on my blog rather than Igor's blog, well, it's because he doesn't allow comments!

If you're a linux fan and you really want to learn a lot about a lot, is the funniest place in the Linux universe!

EventId's in Nostr - from CGPT4

The mathematical operation used to derive the in your getSignedEvent function is the SHA-256 hash function, applied to a string rep...