Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beyond Adsense

Right now, the only monetization avenues that my blog network is using is Adsense and a few affiliate links from some freelancing websites. See Disclosure Policy

As a blogger, the income that I'm getting from these are honestly not that substantial. I was wondering whether there are other avenues for exploration that would not make my blog appear like a roving billboard.

For this, I'm avidly following the developments in, a blog owned by Justin Germino because he is regularly experimenting on various monetization programs and models. Aside from that, Justin regularly posts his blogging income and expenses to apprise readers on which revenue generation model works best for him. See June 2011 Income.

So far, these are the programs that he has been using:

  1. Blogsvertise
  2. Social Spark
  3. Link worth
  4. Direct Paid or Post Link
  5. Wordpress Consulting
  6. Clickbank
  7. Formidable Pro Affiliate
  8. BuySellAds
  9. Teliad
  10. Intellilinks
  11. Amazon Affiliate Program
  12. Affiliate Lights
  13. Sponsored Tweets
  14. Associated Content 
  15. Adsense
Of this, income derived from Adsense is the most substantial given that his blog network averages at least 65,000 page views a month. See DragonBlogger's Hypestat Information:

While his progress is admirable, and though sometimes I am tempted to tread on the same path, overadvertising on a blog is something that I am avoiding - For Now Ad Placement Post Page Ad Placement Front Page
The screenshots above depict the placement of ads on Justin's blog Not all of them are Adsense units. The more surprising placement that I've noticed is the dual placement of half banners in one of his post pages. There was an affiliate half banner at the top of the post title and an adsense unit below the post title. I don't what to make of it, but hey it's his blog.

Of the monetization mediums mentioned above, I've only been able to use Social Spark (sparingly might I add), Amazon Affiliates and of course, Adsense.

Of the others I haven't tried yet, I am somewhat curious about the buysellads system.

Theme Crazy

As you may have noticed. I've been messing around with the theme of this blog for quite some time now. Apparently, there's just no theme that satisfies me. I've also broken some codes here and there so please don't hesitate to tell me if you have the time.

EventId's in Nostr - from CGPT4

The mathematical operation used to derive the in your getSignedEvent function is the SHA-256 hash function, applied to a string rep...