Tuesday, September 03, 2013

[UPDATE] Bukisa.com Discontinuing Revenue Sharing and The Fate of Content Mills

I just got an email from the CEO of Bukisa.com, which I will be posting verbatim here. I updated the blog post title as I mistakenly wrote that it was "shutting down". It was only discontinuing revenue sharing.

I'm Simon Gelfand, CEO of Bukisa. We have some news, which I'd like to share personally with you first.
This is really disappointing to say, but I must inform you that Bukisa will discontinue its revenue sharing program.
What happened?
A lot has changed in the past 2 years. Google released major updates of its search engine - Panda
 and Penguin
. As result, almost all content websites (Bukisa as well) have been hurt and we've been forced to make changes in order to recover.

Both ad networks we were partnering with, Google Adsense and Chitika, updated their policies and made things even harder for Bukisa to use and follow.
What we did?
We were in constant contact with both companies in order to negotiate for better conditions, so we can keep the revenue sharing. Unfortunately, we did not have luck with that.
We reduced the number and size of ad zones on Bukisa. However, some of them remain, as this is the only possible way for us to keep the website up and running as well as to provide new features and improvements.
What we'll do?
Bukisa will be up and running for your content. Despite the fact that we won't be able to offer revenue share, you can still benefit from sharing your knowledge and promoting yourself as an expert in your field of business.
We will publish updated editorial guidelines and tips regarding how to maximize the effect from your articles.
Despite of everything..
We understand that nothing aforesaid might be fine for you.
 any of your entries anytime as well as to completely remove your account
 from Bukisa.

In conclusion
Thank you for your time and desire to be part of the Bukisa community. We hope to be together in the future as well. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any feedback.
On behalf of the Bukisa team,
Simon Gelfand

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