Thursday, October 02, 2014

God's Not Dead: Verified Purchase Review

Image from Youtube
"God's Not Dead."

It's a broad assertion that is as relevant today as it will be in the coming generations. Having been raised as a Christian and having witnessed some of the more tumultuous moments in modern Christian history, I needed something deeper to satiate the rational mind.

I've seen the movie with the same title and I've concluded pretty much the same thing as with the book. The assertion is solid however the jump from there is a God to "Jesus Christ is God" needs a bit more push. As miniscule as my thoughts, faith and reason may be, I think Broocks may have done so on purpose. It's like he left a deliberate amount of cookie crumbs or clues for us to pursue the question more.

*Link to my God's Not Dead Book by Rice Broocks Amazon review. (Verified Purchase)

I have included an affiliate link (I earn a very small commission from Amazon when you buy) both to the movie and to the book. It will help me delve deeper into the recommendations made by Broocks.

The Movie: God's Not Dead

The Book: God's Not Dead


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