Thursday, April 10, 2008

HowTo: Download Torrents on the Terminal

GUI clients can really be resource intensive specially for older hardware like mine. I usually use Azureus but find that it pushes my system down so much that it crawls. I just want to download the latest iso of that new shiny Linux distro with as minimal interference as I could from a cumbersome GUI app. Amazingly, a default Debian install has just the thing that I need: a text only application that can download torrents.

To utilize this tool:

1. Open a Terminal as an ordinary user and type the following command:

$ btdownloadcurses [insert torrent_filename_url.torrent]

Viola, express bittorent downloading.


  1. hey! thats nice to know. now i can download torrents without having to start X.

  2. yup, now if only i can figure out a way to download torrents on the terminal and at the same time browse. :)

  3. There is a way:
    you can use "screen"
    like this:
    ~$ screen -dmS torrents #create detached screen "torrents"
    ~$ screen -rd torrents #enter screen named "torrents"
    now start your torrent client
    Hold Ctrl and press A (Ctrl+A) and then press "D" alone. "screen" gets [Detached] and you're free to use your terminal again.


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