Friday, January 23, 2009

Plinky is Alive

To all of those who are waiting for the launching of Plinky - they're now officially online. What is Plinky? Well it's a service from a former Google Executive named Jason Shellen who resigned from Google to form his own startup.

Plinky is more than just a microblogging service. I could say that it is a gentle nudge of inspiration for bloggers and microbloggers who have run out of stuff to write. Like twitter, it is a highly social application that requires you to send updates about yourself to friends and strangers. The twist is - you don't get to choose where the spotlight falls. Be it your choice of favorite songs or whatever you are wearing tonight, plinky, plinkifies you enough.

It's like truth or dare - without dare.

With twitter reportedly surpassing digg, the prospects for embeddable social microblogging services could have a bright future ahead of them.

But remember, plinky is not microblogging - as Plinky founder said "It's only microblogging if you don't write much."

Don't mind my previous post (the boxer short thing), which came from plinky by the way, it's just the result of mid morning drowsy horniness....

1 comment:

  1. Plinky, the bloggers inspiration feeding tool is made “to help fight blogger’s block”. Will it win?
    Plinky Feeds Your Blogging Inspiration: The Fight Against Blogger’s Block


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