Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Like I Said...What are you Planting?

Update: Sorry about that. I was reacting in response to this

I feel flabbergasted by the amount of support that Craig Newmark is getting. A decade ago, there would have been no argument with regards to "legal culpability and liability in facilitating the advertisement of illicit activities". 

As far as I can tell, no broadsheet newspaper of credible reputation would ever advertise sex services on their classifieds. 

I feel disappointed that personalities that I respect and admire, would defend the position held by Craigslist. That it's not their fault that people use their site for nefarious activities such as human trafficking, 1. because there's no proof that it transpires. 2. because other people should be the ones to report it to the police.

They're adopting that "Wha? That happened on our site? Can you prove it to us? Why don't you report it to the police then?"

I've seen the arguments on facebook and didn't bother chiming in. The values of this world are changing and I can say with full conviction - that it's not changing for the best.


1. Craigslist makes it easier for criminal elements to abuse their system - 1 proof - picture above.
2. Craigslist claims that they are manually screening the ads
3. I am not familiar with American law, but, I can see that in having categories that promote casual sex in the first place, Craigslist makes it appealing and easy for people to do as such

My opinions:

1. Removing said categories and forms of advertisement will not solve human trafficking. But it will drive these elements underground. 

  • Would you have these activities in the underground or in the mainstream?
  • At the current stage and with Craigslist offering a venue, these illicit activities are in the mainstream
  • So, let them go underground
  • If you let these happen in the mainstream, it will only be a matter of time when such behavior will be accepted as the norm. 
  • If these forms of behavior are accepted as the norm, American institutions like the family will change. 

    • Now, I am treading on dangerous ground here. So I will stop. I'm not an American so why should I care? 
    • My countrymen are emulating America in everything. Take a look at me. I'm the product of the American education system that was transplanted and adapted here in the Philippines. 
    • I have a family and I want my conception of the family to be as it is and unchanged.
    • I am against human trafficking. 

Hence, the question: What has been planted?

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