Wednesday, August 31, 2011


And the 3rd #Winner in the best blog comment contest is

Linda Wensel 

Linda recounts a very fascinating story about how she had a friend and how she made a scrapbook of all the pictures of the places that her friend wanted to see. She posted this on my blog post entitled The Gift. I think that your gift is pretty awesome Linda and one that I'm sure your friend will appreciate for a long time :)

Here's a copy of her entry:

"You are heard I had an elderly friend who had many stories to tell, but no one listened. I thought they were wonderful. She told of her days growing up 3000 away in NJ during WWII. She always said she wished she could go back just one more time before she died. A plan was forming in my mind, since I would do anything for her. Every time I went to my car, I wrote down what I could remember and would look up these places she mentioned on the web. I had friends in NJ who loved to take pictures. They photographed all the places mentioned in her stories, and sent me sand from the shore....with a shell and a crap leg in a jar. Among those photo's was the home my friend was born in and it showed the window of the room. My mother was great at scrapbooking, and before you know she was totally involved in my project....the project had now become a group of 4. I did some genealogy research and put that together also. On her birthday, mom and I presented her with the huge photo album. She couldn't speak. We gave the gift of going back to her home. She looked at that book every day there after. When she passed away, she had the book next to her side. I will never be able to give a gift like that again, and it will be in my heart that I sent someone home one last time."

Congratulations Linda! Your $5 is on its way in

Danny on Google+

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