Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Are you a computer enthusiast who uses Microsoft Windows?

If so, may I ask how much money you spent to get it and how much money you spent to buy other software to install over it?

If you are like me, and you live in a third world country, you probably wouldn't want to spend more money on similar software that you could have for free. Times are difficult and we just couldn't afford expensive software.

Though piracy is rampant and easily accessible, the damage that pirated software could inflict on our computer systems is just too great a risk: litigation from legitimate copyright owners, compromised confidential information, hackers, worms, viruses and even identity theft.

Fortunately, Linux and Open Source Software offers a fresh and FREE alternative to Windows and other proprietary software.

-~ oOo ~-

Read about Open Source Software

Read about Linux.

This blog was created to explore the inspiration that is Linux. For me it is not only a simple Operating System that makes your PC run. It is also the centerpiece of a technological movement for the betterment of our world.

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