Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I ran MS Office 2003 Under Wine too...

A lot of people seem to land on this page quite often. I am sorry but this content is already outdated and might make your computer explode. Please head on over to the following alternatives: wine-review  

Without further ado the steps to installing MS Office in Linux:Kubuntu using Wine.

I got it to work on my Kubuntu 7.04. Pentium 3 650 Mhz PC with 256 MB RAM. Ya, you heard it right. Pentium 3.

UPDATE 1: I also got it to work on my Debian Etch machine, same hardware, albeit with some bugs.

UPDATE 2: Tom Wickline, the original author of this wine configuration, recently updated this guide and can be found here. He suggests that the newer configuration be followed for wine At the time of this writing, Tom says that the version has been depreciated and it is necessary to follow the new steps.

Thanks to WineReview.

STEP I. Installing Wine

1. Make sure that you install this version of Wine -


- Or you can download and find from this webpage: LINK
- Match to your Kubuntu version and Processor Architecture (eg. mine is an Intel and 386 so its 0.9.37.i386)
- Open your Konsole and go to the directory where you downloaded the wine deb file
- Install the deb file you just downloaded by typing this command:

sudo dpkg -i filename

note: In my case it was:
sudo dpkg -i wine_0.9.37~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb

note: Enter your password

STEP II. Configuring WINE

1. On the same konsole type this command:

- It will show a windows box with the name "Wine Configuration" with not so cute fonts and tabs (think Windows 95)
- It takes awhile so hang in there - grab a donut and a cup of coffee.

2. Click the "libraries" tab and type richedit20.dll on the blank at the topmost left corner of the box.
3. Click Add
4. Click Edit
5. Select the Native (Windows) radio button
6. Click OK

7. Repeat the steps above but this time the name of the file should be richedit32.dll

8. Find those two files: richedit20.dll and richedit32.dll. Its your choice whether you would like to use Konqueror or the Konsole. But basically its in this folder:

*note: These folders are hidden

/home/Your Folder/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32

9. Rename richedit20.dll to richedit20.dll.bak
10. Rename richedit32.dll to richedit32.dll.bak
11. Download the richedit30.exe file here:
12. Go back to your konsole and type this command:

wine richedit30.exe

13. Download the XML parser here: (Choose only the file named msxml3.msi).
14. After doing that install it by typing this command on your konsole:

msiexec /i msxml3.msi

note: Don't forget to change your name and organization in one of the dialog boxes.

15. Type this command again if you closed your wine configuration window:


16. In the libraries tab type msxml in the New Override for Libraries blank.
17. Click Add
18. Click Edit
19. Set to Native (Windows)
20. Type msxml3.exe in the New Override for Libraries blank
21. Click Add
22. Click Edit
23. Set to Native (Windows)
24. Back in your Konsole type this:


- a new Windows like box with the name Registry Editor will appear.
25. Go to HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version
26. Look for RegisteredOwner
27. Right-Click it
28. Click on Modify
29. Type your name then click OK
30. Look for RegisteredOrganization
31. Right-Click it
32. Click on Modify
33. Type your organizations name then click OK
34. Duplicate this for the same set of files but this time in the Windows NT folder

STEP III. Installing Microsoft Office 2003

1. Put the Microsoft Office 2003 CD in your CD drive
*note: Make sure that it doesn't automatically mount the CD - you might have problems since some of the files are hidden
2. Unmount the CD by typing this in the Konsole:

sudo umount /dev/cdrom

3. Mount it again this time with the following command:

sudo mount -t iso9660 -o unhide /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

4. Go to the directory of the cd via the konsole
5. Type this command:

wine setup.exe
6. That's it you're done.


Linux Sorceror


  1. Hi,
    I would like to install MS Office 2003 via Wine in Ubuntu 8.04

    But I got the following error messages, please help me.

    Thank you in advance.

    bruce@tp:/media/cdrom0/$ wine SETUP.EXE
    fixme:imm:ImmDisableIME (-1): stub
    fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x12eab0 0x326d3c) stub!
    fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"bruce" (nil) 0x33f7fc (nil) 0x33f800 0x33f7f4 - stub
    fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"bruce" 0x1346b0 0x33f7fc 0x6b04f0 0x33f800 0x33f7f4 - stub
    fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
    err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
    fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0xd5b2c8 0x7ceea0d8) stub!
    fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
    err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
    fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MigrateFeatureStates -> 76 ignored L"Upgrade" table values
    fixme:msi:ControlEvent_SpawnWaitDialog Doing Nothing
    fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MigrateFeatureStates -> 76 ignored L"Upgrade" table values
    fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"SetODBCFolders"
    fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction Rollback only action... rollbacks not supported yet
    fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction Rollback only action... rollbacks not supported yet
    fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction Rollback only action... rollbacks not supported yet
    fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction Rollback only action... rollbacks not supported yet
    err:msi:msi_dialog_handle_event Unknown progress message 3
    fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction Rollback only action... rollbacks not supported yet
    fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveExistingProducts -> 76 ignored L"Upgrade" table values
    fixme:msi:ITERATE_PublishAssembly Manifest unhandled
    err:msi:ITERATE_PublishAssembly Failed to copy temporary assembly: 87
    err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallExecute" returned 1627
    err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ExecuteAction" returned 1627

  2. Sorry man, I am not an expert I can't really help you. Have you tried mounting the cd rom?

  3. Thinstalled Portable Ms ( Microsoft ) Office 2003 Pro SP3 runs in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

    After installing wine software in Ubuntu 9.04 ( ), right click office2003.exe (181 MB) file downloaded from
    minnova org com 2450754
    and select Open with wine.

    Small "loading Start.exe" screen appears in lower right corner. A small button like icon appears in top right corner and right click that to open word / excel / powerpoint. Home folder is automatically considered as My Documents.

    The following setting is needed for Word to start and close without showing any error about file. After opening Word, select Tools, Options, File Locations, User templates, Modify. Then select My Documents and click OK.

    After exiting Word / Excel / Powerpoint, right click the button like icon that appears in top right corner and select "Exit Office", so that Word / Excel / Powerpoint can be run once again without any error message.


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