Friday, May 28, 2010



With a number, his destiny is changed
With a number, things will never be the same

To choose a number, one must be numb-er
Numb to the fallacies that it can render

Some kill and die for a number
For some it is 1000000, yet that too, may still be smaller

With a number, hearts are won - or lost
Or it could even mean an angry shout  from the boss
Through a number, we weave through the strings of fate
Yet for the hopeless, it is a broken hearted bait

If one should ever ask "What's her phone number?"
One should be prepared to hear "No" for an answer

Destiny, fate, the apocalypse
it seems that a number holds them to its fist

What is 10 to the 100th but a ploy by the giant
Holding those who beheld it like a quivering tyrant

What is the winning number?
Is it one? two? or could it be far far bigger?

One could never really tell, unless one spoke with a soothsayer
Alas, the soothsayer has his own number, one of your dollar bills in his backburner

Fortunes are made and lost with a number, 
but who are we to tell which number, is "the number"


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