Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Book Review: The Unbeliever E.L. Baylis

This is my first ever book review of the first book I ever bought on Amazon.com.

Masterfully written with a keen insight for knowing the perspectives of different people, The Unbeliever is a masterpiece that should be read by believers and non-believers alike. Whether you are seeking to understand or have your feet of faith firmly planted on the ground, this one strikes deep into many questions long held by many.I've long wanted to say that I bought a book on Amazon.com but have held back for 'The One'. This is it.
I'm glad that this has been my first ever purchase. It has rekindled not just my appetite for reading (though I was reading it mostly on the Kindle App on my small LG phone) but also gave me some much needed spiritual food.Whether you are an atheist or a Christian, this is a riveting revelation that is very entertaining and illuminating to say the least.

Exorcising our inner demons always comes at a cost. For Art Wellington, the price he almost paid was just too high. With a plot twist that will sprain more than just your ankle, this book surprises delightfully.

Baylis ensured that the tale he has woven will strike deep into our innermost being as we see a little Art in our own lives. You can almost feel the painfully excruciating travails that Art has been subjected to and the subsequent revelation that ultimately opened his eyes.

The ending of the book leaves you wanting for more.

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