Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ha! I am connected to the Internet using Debian 4

As the blog post implies, that in itself is a very major achievement. Recently I have been racking my head on how to get Debian working on my system. Well, the installation went *ok*. I didn't understand several things in the dialogs - as they say - even a chicken could install GNU/Linux. It just has to be trained to keep on hitting the Enter key.

Kidding aside, I was lucky - very lucky to get my internet up and working.

My only problem now is I got gnome instead of KDE - which means that I have to relearn all that I have learned so far in KDE.

Otherwise I am happy with its ease of use save for the dull colors.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, I already posted a link, no need to exchange, I am just a nice guy :)

    Hope all the links fit on my sidebar though. Hehe


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